right Sweet Spot
Execute Sweet Spot Scoring - Deal level
Operationalizing the sweet spot is important to quickly identify the highest yielding cycles to work and what deals to walk away from. The biggest sales force distraction is working deals it isn’t going to win. It’s also good to include in your forecasting process because the better the fit, the more likely the win (example below).
A mistake many companies make is focusing on attractive markets - markets where they want customers - without also factoring in winnable markets - markets where customers want them. Defining your market sweet spot as a balance of attractive and winnable markets is key to selling success (examples below).
Attractive / Winnable Sweet Spot
Win / Loss Sweetspot
A deep understanding of why you are losing as well as winning will inform how you define your sweet spot, prioritize opportunities and plan your product roadmap. Leveraging sales insight is critical to do this right (below).